How might we center the well being of Black women?

Across nearly all institutions, Black women tend to hold the burden of labor for educating and organizing people around anti-racism. As we push for more dedication to anti-racism within our institutions, we must also consider how the burden of this work can be alleviated to facilitate the well-being of Black women in and beyond the workplace.

“Because radically caring for ourselves, then each other, rigorously committing to principled struggle and non-punitive forms of accountability—and doing so imaginatively and creatively—will see us liberated and unbroken.”

P. Ife Williams

P. Ife Williams

reflections on the negation of Blackness//affirmations of our clairvoyance through creative healing praxes

The posters below were developed as syntheses of design sessions led by Black Womxn Flourish. As you take in this content, we invite you to reflect on the following questions:

- What feelings and sensations come up in your body when you read these posters? - How do the words land in your body? - Does anything resonate in some way with your past experience, and spark memories or dreams which may be familiar or surprising?

*These questions are adapted from the essay, "Cultivating the Self: Embodied Transformation for Artists" by Alta Starr.

Image credit: The Nap Ministry


Additional resources for centering the well being of Black women